Webinar Series
Reading Aloud: Fair Use Enables Translating Classroom Practices to Online Learning
Essential copyright knowledge: a toolkit for teachers and librarians
Educational fair use in the COVID-19 emergency: yes you can scan (and more) for K-12 education
Finding teaching materials for Fall 2020 and beyond: evaluating resilient digital teaching and learning materials from open and commercial sources for K-12 teaching
Creating teaching materials for Fall 2020 and beyond: authoring and adapting Open Educational Resources for K-12
Universal Design - ensuring equitable access to education in the transition to online teaching and learning for students with disabilities and vulnerable students
Working towards Antiracism and Culturally Responsive Teaching in Open Education
Music to Our Ears: A fair use deep dive into using music in OER
Original Podcast Series
Content Developer Andrew Giannakakis Talks Access to Resources
School Librarian Lynn Kleinmeyer Talks Shifting Role of School Librarians
Content Developer Caroline Gambell Talks Culturally-Relevant Resources
District Leader Anthony Gabriele Talks Challenges, Opportunities, and Manufactured Time
Content Developer Kate Nowak Talks Comprehensive Math Curriculum

Podcast Guest Spots
TLCN 095 Kristina Ishmael Goes OER the Top
Tech. Learn. Coffee. TLC Ninja
OnEducation Presents: Kristina Ishmael at #FETC
How are open educational resources (OER) like a free puppy?
ISTE's Your EdTech Question
OER, Oh My! Open Educational Resources -
Kristina Ishmael-
My Tech Toolbelt
The Edtech Take Out
Open Education Resources with Kristina Ishmael
The Teachers' Classroom